Andrea Wilson
York County Resident
I’m a fourth generation resident of York County. The land surrounding our farm is zoned for low-density housing. In 2020 a developer tried to get it rezoned, to build three times as many houses. It would have been York County’s largest development since Kiln Creek, right here in Williamsburg. I am grateful for the community’s support in fighting that rezoning and saving my back yard.
Doug Holroyd was instrumental in that fight to protect Upper York. He learned about the zoning, construction and traffic issues. He attended and spoke at Board of Supervisors meetings. He connected us with legal advisors. Simply put, without him we would never have defeated the rezoning.
Doug understands the importance of protecting the remaining rural land in Upper York. He knows that change is inevitable, but he believes that we can spur our local economy without destroying what makes this area special. I believe we need someone like him to represent us, and to protect our region from urban sprawl.
Stephen J. Huebner
Past Board Member - Kiwanis Club of Willisamsburg
As a fellow Kiwanian, I have had the privilege and pleasure of working with Doug Holroyd since I became a member five years ago. When describing Doug, several words come to mind: Integrity, Strength of Character, Empathy, and Servant Leader. As President of our club this past year, Doug led by example, was a strong LISTENER, brought people together, and achieved or exceeded many of our goals. Because of his effective "people first" leadership style, Doug will be an engaged and effective leader for York County."
Caren Schumacher
Retired Executive Director - Historic Virginia Land Conservancy
Dear Citizens of York County,
In 2023 York County residents have the opportunity to make a change in county government that will have a significant impact on the future of your community. As a gateway to history, York County needs a leader that will pay attention to the character and ambiance of the natural spaces that lie within. Doug Holroyd is committed to preserving the county's remaining significant spaces for the generations to come.
As the retired executive director of the Historic Virginia Land Conservancy, I spent 16 years dedicated to protecting land. Why? It is good for the environment and critical for tourism. Doug's understanding of how the two are linked together will bring a unique perspective to land use.
I have been a member of the Kiwanis Club of Williamsburg for 21 years and have worked closely with Doug on a variety of projects. He has served in leadership roles, including club president. Doug has a keen eye to see all sides of an issue, is a consensus builder, and is the first to roll up his sleeves to get a task accomplished. These attributes, and so many more, make him the perfect candidate to serve as a York County Supervisor. I encourage you to vote for Doug Holroyd, a man with a vision and the ability to make the county a better place to live, work, or visit.
Caren Schumacher
Chad Green
York County Board Of Supervisors - District 3
Doug Holroyd's service as your District 1 representative to the York County Planning Commission gives him a unique perspective about the issues that are facing York County. Doug will fight tirelessly to protect our neighborhoods, green space, and ensure our children receive a great education. It is my pleasure to wholeheartedly endorse Doug Holroyd for Supervisor. Please join me in supporting Doug Holroyd for the York County Board Of Supervisors.